Saturday, 10 May 2014

My Blog/Website - /

I see my fellow Americans are loyal in looking over my various blogs concerning music, books etc. I give them thumbs up for doing so and I hope you continue doing so. For that I will make it more interesting and I appreciate your loyalty with your browsers and mobile devices. Give me feedback. You can find me on Facebook....I also have my own website which I thoroughly enjoy working on and plan to do more as time goes by. Hi, pleased to meet you all. My name is Robin Herbert and I am 52 years of age, born in Durban, KwaZulu, Natal and as you can see, this is what I enjoy doing the most - books and music with all the is very good and I like the books on What I find superb is that if one is on and they click on the album cover it takes you straight into the website where one can see the artist and the albums etc. You can also find me on with my Siegfriedblog. Have been experiencing problems with my internet connections (still am) but glad to be up and running. Good to be back and to see you all. Still experiencing some problems...
I have not been good lately. The browsers I work with are very uncooperative, Chrome, Torchbrowser. Very slow and unresponsive. Apologies for not getting back. Am having problems with getting into Blogger. It is just one thing after another. Now I'm using the Lunascape browser and it's a case of so far so good. I quite like this browser - good clarity etc.

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