Saturday, 20 September 2014

Still here

Have been having some trouble with blogging. Coming right slowly. But where I am we have been having power cuts and it is affecting my blogging too. This morning, here in Durban, near St. Augustine's Hospital, where I live there was no electricity for six hours. Two weeks ago on a Sunday night none for five hours, the next day Monday it was off in the evening for three hours, Tuesday morning off for two hours.
I am contemplating buying a laptop and my Blackberry is due for an upgrade in November so I will be changing that to maybe the Samsung touchscreen...

Sunday, 14 September 2014

Blogging mirth

It's time to tell those reading my blogs a little bit about me. I have just posted this on Google Plus and here goes. My father was an American ship's captain who spoke Spanish fluently and he also read Spanish books but it was not kept to himself.  Ha ha ha....He read it to my mom and I - which drove us both this space. There's more to come...I just love Ricky Martin. I think he is so groovy and I think he is the best Latino singer of the 90's and the present. Just how many agree with me or disagree? Show me by your browsers and mobile devices.