Tuesday, 18 March 2014

Film Music - 790

This is going to intertwine with previous posts and can be very interesting. At the moment I am listening to the soundtrack to the movie The Lost Boys with Kiefer Sutherland...I have the soundtrack of Carrie on vinyl with John Travolta and Sissy Spacek. A very good movie but the latest remake is nothing like the original. It does not convey the same impact and emotion of the first.

Friday, 14 March 2014

YouTube Albums

I love the Sweet. All their albums are good. From Desolation Boulevard to A Nod Is As Good As A WinkAlexander Graham Bell is playing at the moment....Cut Above The Rest album by them is excellent. I always come back to YouTube because the albums here are so good and I find what I am looking for.

How about Vensun The Dragon Flies ? Doesn't that beat just get your foot tapping and your body moving..?? Iron Maiden are good. Michael Schenker Assault Attack done in 1982 is good. Try the Heavy Metal playlists. This one I am listening to at the moment is good viz. Rock Mix 2 - Dj. @nth0n 1. with Dio, Toto etc. How about Pantera.com with A Vulgar Display of Power ??? Some Van Halen.com with their first album. Then throw in some Avicii.com.

Fat Freddy's Drop - Based on a True Story from New Zealand in 2005 is particularly enjoyable.
1978 Foghat - Stone Blue. I love this album viz. Bee Gees Cucumber Castle from which Don't forget to Remember came from.

1983 Ellen Foley - Another Breath. 2005 The Killers - Hot Fuss

Sunday, 9 March 2014

This is a great day outside...rainy weather but a great day for blogging. In two months I turn 52 and my music taste encompasses everything from Vera Lynn, Nelson Eddy, Jeanette MacDonald to opera, country, rock, heavy metal, pop viz. Pussycat, Abba, Brotherhood of Man etc. My favourite internet radio stations are Atlantic Oldies 2NGiRock 109, but primarily I love Youtube. I find all my music in all its forms on there, highly enjoyable and I enjoy sharing it with others.

Now this is a WOW experience. Full Album: Flash & The Pan (Flash & the Pan) from Australia. This is excellent and Tarney-Spencer Band - Three's A Crowd 1978 also from Australia. I bet there are a lot around who still remember these albums and maybe more.... Are there any Australians around who remember these singers....?? And especially South Africans. This is the same Alan Tarney who wrote for Cliff Richard. And don't forget Air SupplyAC/DC.

I had two versions of Shabby Tiger Lovely Lady - one on 7-single and one taped from the radio. There is only one version on YouTube. Does any one have the other version which had slightly different lyrics..?

I am particularly fond of Bad Company...one of my favourite groups. They were named after the movie of the same name with Jeff Bridges made in 1973.

Tuesday, 4 March 2014

Atlantic Oldies 2NG

I have always enjoyed David Bowie Am listening to his 'Fame' on Atlantic Oldies 2NG.com. This is a very good station ranging from 50's, 60's, 70's and 80's. I love this song by Cozy Powell - The Man In Black an all time favourite..Eddie Cochran Three Steps to Heaven is a classic, later done by Showaddywaddy.
Nazareth My White Bicycle is excellent.


Blackstump.com.au is an Australian web site that began on 10th May 1995, the same year as refdesk.com.


Refdesk.com - I love this site. It has links to many other websites and much more. all my faves.com is also excellent. I love this one too. Anyone reading my blog and following through is going to be astounded at what will open up before them. There is a goldmine here....I will keep on updating this post...I must also add that this site is completely family friendly for children, teens and their parents viz. adults. There are book sites and everything else here that I recommend. Blackstump.com.au in Australia also has links to these sites. Completely global. Not to mention ipl.com - internet public library. Enjoy.....

Classicreader.com is good,plenty of books to read without downloading.

The 2000's

2011 Google+
2004 Facebook

Monday, 3 March 2014

The Nineties - Year By Year

1993 Van Halen Right here right now full album - I love this album.
1995 Blackstump.com.au formed in Australia. refdesk.com formed in U.S.
1992 Jamiroquai - Emergency On Planet Earth
1994 Jamiroquai - The Return of the Space Cowboy

The Eighties Year By Year

Buggles - Video Killed The Radio Star - 1979- MTV.com began and immortalized the song.
1986 W.A.S.P. Inside the electric circus 1989 Savatage Of Rage and War Gutter Ballet. I have been listening to Visage's debut album with Fade to Grey. Excellent. Tonight I listened to Adam and the Ants with Kings of the Wild Frontier. This is a brilliant album.
1981 Hotshot - Don't you believe that I'm on Fire

Sunday, 2 March 2014

The Seventies - Year by Year

1970 was as clear a year of transition in pop music as there has ever been, but rather than being one in which a new style of rock swept globally, as in 1956 or 1963, 1970 was a year of disintegration. The Beatles broke up, Diana Ross and the Supremes split, and Simon and Garfunkel went their separate ways. Peter Green left Fleetwood Mac and Brian Wilson withdrew from active direction of the Beach Boys, Jimi Hendrix and Janis Joplin (the latter never had a British hit single) died.

1971 Commentary

5 Jun 1971 Middle of the Road had Chirpy Chirpy Cheep Cheep at position No. 1 on the British charts for 34 weeks.
1976  Australian group Sherbert had 'Howzat' 25 Sept at position No. 4 on the British charts for 10 weeks
1977  Commentary - Patsy Gallant had 'From New York to LA at position No. 6 on the British charts for 9 weeks 10 Sept.

1978 Commentary
1978 Pussyfoot lay your love on the line - I had this on 7-single and loved it with each play. Excellent song
1979 Chic - Risque album is excellent. It was still being played in 1980, 1981
1979  The Belgian Benelux and Nancy Dee had 'Switch' at position No.52 for 4 weeks on the British chart


Last night the music on You Tube was sheer magic. In 1975 Fox had Only You Can - Imagine Me Imagine You - S s single bed and in 1978 Pussyfoot had Lay your Love On The Line. Chilly had their well known remake of the Yardbird's classic For Your Love - Hot Shot in 1981 had Don't You Believe That I'm on Fire. A very good song with plenty of oomph!!!

Saturday, 1 March 2014

iRock 109

Asia preview new album Gravitas. Krokus - Midnight Maniac - The Blitz -1984. Good stations on Windows Media Player - iRock 109 playing Warren Zevon Werewolves of London. Now it's Alice Cooper with Changing Arranging from Pretties For You - 1969. Bufferapp.com is one of the apps on BBCClickSmartphone app:WAM, dopios.com These look interesting on Webscape with Kate Russell.

Tonight I am listening to White Wizzard - High Speed GTO another excellent album. Enjoy!!!emerson, lake and palmer with Memoirs of an officer and a Gentleman from Love Beach - 1978 and Jeremy Bender from TarkusZebra - Who's behind the Door - Zebra -1983. I can be reached on Google + if anyone is interested for more.